What TYPE of game is this?
This game is a survival game in the desert where you are able to craft, live and explore.
What do you did yesterday to win the game?
What do you did yesterday to win the game?
to win the game I collected items like wood,stones,rope, food tin, waterskin... Wood served as fuel for the balloon apart for creating other things like platforms to increase the space of it.
Explain what you see and how to play the game.
What i saw yesterday was a western scenery, also they added interesting characters called seekers who pop up outta nowhere to kill you, also there were towns with more items to collect and craft. To play the game you have to collect items, craft, and explore, and most important survive.
What is your plan?
I explored the nearby wrecks of a caravan and found this hammer
If you select the hammer you go into a build menu.
These are the views when you are riding the balloon... sand sand and more sand
I found Waterskin wich it helped me to stay hydrated and survive
Although i found food tin wich also helped me to stay fed and survive
I crafted a Stone axe with Wood rope and stones, this served me to cut trees and collect wood from them
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