Friday, December 13, 2019

Day 3

What did you do today?

-Today i reached the end of the game so i decided to explore the game all again to take more objects for my airship. 
I found  a pretty cool  mine where i died a couple times because of the seeker and the game glitched so i lost most part of my items
 I found a big town where i could pick up some usable items to create a and a,
i entered to a maze labyrinth where i found some items, non of them important,

What did you learn?
Found out that now i have stamina bar, wich it only shows up when the seeker is around
I Found blue outhouses...
I also found this witch is nothing more than pure decoration for your airship

What will you do next day?
Next i attempt to kill the seeker with some gold bullets,witch it'll make it easier to kill him.

Airship actual looking 

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WHAT DID YOU DO TODAY? I created a level much easier than the first one i created because i dont have much time to finish the project, i ...